Paint Evidence

Want to know what a painters brushes look like? How they have splashes from each color they have used. How they have fingerprints left behind of colors from where they held it. How they have left their emotions on every bristle from each stroke. How they left the evidence of their heart in each paint color splashed on the handle. How they have left their minds on each stubble from the pressure, that has curved it outward. How the once clear water, has been stained and mixed by every shade used.

-Note To Self

Why I paint..

When I was around age 7/8, painting and drawing became a passion along with reading. Unfortunately, my dad didn’t think things like that were important. He preferred me to cleaning and learning to cook, school work came after. Growing up I remember hiding sketches and drawings, if he saw them I would get punished. He use to say that if I had time for that then I had time to clean. I know no parent gets a guidebook as how to raise their children, so I can’t judge him on his ideas. But now I can only imagine if I would have stayed consistent to a passion that now is only just a hobby. Perhaps I would have gotten really good at it, perhaps have gone to art school. But all these perhaps mean nothing now. I just wished more parents understood how important it is to allow a child to develop their passion. Maybe that is what leads me to wanting to be a teacher, to help children develop their creative minds, along with learning. To be the one to encourage them, and let them know how amazing their individual talents are.

-Note To Self